Friday, January 28, 2011

My First Blog - yey!

This blogging thingy isn't easy.
It's already 3am (Dubai time) but till now I'm trying to make sense out of my page - from creating my gmail account, to changing text fonts and background colors, up to creating 'this' blog.

I just had a thought of doing something realistic for once and that thought ended me up here...

The thing is... I actually love talking to myself when I'm alone (but of course in silent mode), which I find boring already,  so I thought, why not try talking to a computer instead? maybe somehow, somewhere, I'll find some helpful answers.

Well, I must also say that 80% of my interest in making this blog is inspired by my one and only follower, the love of my life, Kristin. Tin, you rock my world (just like that). And this is the part where she'll say - weh! di nga?! ;p

So that's it for my first blog. I'll try and blog my thoughts and experiences as many as I can. May you be entertained.

Thanks for visiting.